
Some time in the mid-1990's Gail Murray lent me a recording of Tony Solomon playing the oud. The recording was on a cassette tape that was still in pretty good condition. At the time I just "dubbed" the tape so I would have a copy. Some time in the early 2000's I finally put some audio editing software on my computer, connected it to my stereo system, and transfered the second generation cassette to digital files. Now, finally, after another 10 years I have converted the file to an MP3 and can finally share it with everyone. To hear this amazing, undated, 14:00 minute recording just click below. It will open a player in a new window and the music starts at about 10 seconds in...enjoy!

Tony Solomon - Oud

1 comment:

  1. We now have professionally printed CD's available. We'll be giving them away at the 2013 reunion and then selling them for $10 each to raise money for future reunions and the archive project.
