Sunday, February 8, 2015

Reunion 2014 Photo Album, Updates, and More!

Well, last year it only took me one month to post the reunion photos and this year it took me six months, something in my life must have changed! But at long last, here are last years photos in all their Lebanese glory! Just click here to go directly to the album. I've also made a few updates to the site. The links to different pages of the site are now listed in the column on the left and I've separated the reunion photos and the expanding collection of historic photos into separate pages. I'm still adding to both pages as I receive and find more photos. Last year, I reorganized the reunion photos page and placed empty albums for years that are lacking photos. If you have any photos from those years, or more recent years, that you would like to add to the albums please email them to me in any format. As you can see there are many years without photos and we know they are out there hiding in your computer or an old shoe box! We are planning for the 2015 reunion and since everyone enjoyed last years picnic and we were able to raise a small amount of money it looks like we will have a similar reunion. If we can do that again in 2015 we may be able to have something a little more elaborate in 2016 as we approach 35 years of reunions! Finally, I have been planning a special Memorial Day post to commemorate all of our deceased family members who served in the military.  Please share with me any photos or stories you have and I will do my best to weave them into the next story.  If I don't hear from you soon expect a phone call!