Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Interview with Uncle Bob Labnon

According to their website, Historic New England is the oldest, largest, and most comprehensive regional heritage organization in the nation. It was founded in 1910 to preserve and present the cultural and architectural heritage of New England, from historic properties to humble necessities, from art and artifacts to gardens and furniture.

One of their recent projects titled "100 Years, 100 Communities" aims to protect and share New England's twentieth-century history. Historic New England partners with communities throughout the region on projects large and small that capture their unique stories before they are lost.

Fortunately for us, the project includes an interview with Uncle Bob Labnon!

You can access their site and read the interview here:   Bob Labnon Interview

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Help Create the Family Archive

I'll be posting soon about the upcoming Blouza reunion but in the meantime check out this Indiegogo campaign that Perry Paolantonio (who some of you may know from Brattleboro) is running. I found my way to this as I try to create a family archive of photos, sound recordings, and film.

Perry's company Gamma Ray Digital works in film transferring among other specialties. They are a small business near Boston that is trying to purchase a new piece of equipment that will allow them to transfer what's known as small guage film (Super 8, Regular 8, and 16 mm). You can contribute as little as 1 dollar to help a fellow Vermonter compete with business giants. Even if you can't contribute please spread the word.

You are supporting a business and friend who will likely contribute to our own family's archival record as we transfer our treasured small guage film to digital files!

Thanks cousins!